Thursday, June 30, 2011


There I was
completely unaware that I was lost
When you came looking for me
like a sheep wandering in the 
wild  you found me.
Me, this me:

Like a missing coin
You searched for me intently
Leaving your ninety-nine
you came after me
Me, this me.

I admit, I was lost without any
inclination of how much I needed you
Yes, I was lost but you found me,
Now you rejoice over me,
Me, this me!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Temple, you were an epitome of fortitude
A place to commune with the spirit
Temple, what happened to  you?
I went inside you only to find that your walls were broken
Even your seats could no longer hold me up
Your floors were so damaged I couldn't kneel on them to pray
Oh, you were supposed to be a symbol of beauty
A passageway to the divine
I can no longer burn my incense in you
Temple, how I long for your walls to be rebuilt again
For you to become the true place of worship you once were

The Path

I hear you say to me, "follow me"
Your words rush through my brain
Like adrenaline as I begin to quicken my pace
to close the distance between us

I lean towards You and You continue to speak,
"This road is marked with suffering" 
"I am ready to suffer!" I respond quickly with a
Child-like zeal.

Your eyes pierce through my soul as 
You look at me,
The intensity of your gaze makes me
Feel Like my heart is cut open on a 
Surgeon's table, every vien and artery 
in full display for all to see

Before I could cry out, " I am so unworthy"
You lift my head up and whisper again
To me," "Follow me" 

I'll Never Leave You

My child let me hold you
Let me comfort you
You don’t have to walk this path alone 
I am your shield

I will catch you when
You fall,
Nurse you to health

Yes, my love, the apple of my eyes
My love, you are never alone
I am with you in the midst of the fire
Take my hand, and I will
Take you to your place of rest

Saturday, January 29, 2011


What a perfect picture you both were! 
But now your "true one" is  gone...

Gone with the 
trophies that once laid hanging
on your dusty table
Count yourself 
blessed my friend
because your angel saved
you  yesterday
to keep your eyes from seeing
what your "true one" really is 
Wait my friend
With time, this stale air will blow away
and refreshing winds will blow once again.
Yes, you lost what was true to you
Wait my friend, the divine giver 
never runs dry of his precious gifts...

Sunday, December 26, 2010


Afraid to walk in the light
We walk in shadows
Whispers all around us
echoes our pasts. 
It hunts us day and night
like a lion waiting for its prey.
The accusers  say to us, 
the truth will find you out one day.
And if it does what next?
Oh no,  we would be known to all,
exposed to the world to be scorned

Is shame the ultimate punishment for our deeds?
If it is, we have feared in vain
In vain we have walked in darkness
For if shame is the ultimate price,
let us pay our debts now
We no longer  desire to wait fearfully
for that day to come
Let that day come now

Let us see our salvation
Let us approach the light that
We may see the one who took
the shame of this world upon himself
so we no longer have to walk in shame
Let us see Christ,
Let him be known
Let him cleanse and illuminate our lives

Thursday, December 23, 2010


Stranger your mouth may not always
be able to say what your heart feels

In vain, you  listen and hope that the wind
carries your messages to your 
place of rest

If only your lamp was not broken you would 
have been able to find your way.

Stranger, you don't have to hold 
your voice in captivity
Shout! Shout  with all that is left in you,
help is not to far from you.